Kepentingan Kalsium Dalam Diet Seharian Seorang Ibu Mengandung dan Menyusukan & Osteoporosis

Assalamualaikum semua :)

Harini Nad nak tanya anda. Adakah anda seorang ibu mengandung atau yang menyusukan anak? Jika ya, adakah anda minum susu setiap hari? Jika ya. Anda boleh senyum sekarang. Jika tidak, anda kena baca cerita yang Nad nak share ni.

Haritu Nad balik kampung. Adik Nad cerita yang makcik Nad tiba-tiba demam pastu tangan dia kejang macam bengkok ke dalam gitu. Ngeri jugak dengar. Makcik Nad tu muda lagi. Baru 30+ umur dia. Anak 4 orang. Yang sulung darjah 1 dan paling kecil masa tu nak masuk 2 tahun. Semua fully breastfed.

Pastu Nad pergi tanya makcik Nad tu sendiri. Tapi masa tu dia dah sihat dah lah. Nad tanya dia, betul ke apa yang adik Nad cerita tu? Dia kata betul, demam dan tangan bengkok keras. Biasa kita kejang kat kaki kan masa pregnant. Tapi makcik Nad kena kat tangan. Nak call orang mintak pertolongan pun susah dengan keadaan macam tu sebab husband dia takde kat rumah masa tu. Nasib baik rumah dia dekat je dengan rumah Nenek Nad. Dapatlah pakcik Nad hantarkan ke klinik.

Pastu Nad tanya dia, minum susu tak masa pregnant dan breastfeeding? Dia kata dia minum gitu-gitu je. Dalam hati Nad, cakap Ya Allah, biar betul dia nih. Nak kata tak berpelajaran tak jugak. Ada degree. Hehe. Takkan tak tahu kalsium tu sangatlah penting dalam diet seorang ibu mengandung/menyusukan. Kena minum hari-hari kot susu ni. Tu lah, dah jadi ibu pun kena banyak membaca jugak tau. Tapi takpelah kan, maybe dia tak tahu. So Nad pun cerita lah kat dia apa yang patut dia tahu.

Anda pun tak tahu? Jom baca dua artikel ni.

Ni article yang Nad petik dari

"Both pregnancy and breastfeeding cause changes in, and place extra demands on, women’s bodies. Some of these may affect their bones. The good news is that most women do not experience bone problems during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And if their bones are affected during these times, the problem often is corrected easily. Nevertheless, taking care of one’s bone health is especially important during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for the good health of both the mother and her baby."

Pregnancy and Bone Health

During pregnancy, the baby growing in its mother’s womb needs plenty of calcium to develop its skeleton. This need is especially great during the last 3 months of pregnancy. If the mother doesn’t get enough calcium, her baby will draw what it needs from the mother’s bones. So, it is disconcerting that most women of childbearing years are not in the habit of getting enough calcium. Fortunately, pregnancy appears to help protect most women’s calcium reserves in several ways. Read here.

In some cases, women develop osteoporosis during pregnancy or breastfeeding, although this is rare. Osteoporosis is bone loss that is serious enough to result in fragile bones and increased risk of fracture.

In many cases, women who develop osteoporosis during pregnancy or breastfeeding will recover lost bone after childbirth or after they stop breastfeeding. It is less clear whether teenage mothers can recover lost bone and go on to optimize their bone mass.

Teen pregnancy and bone health. 

Teenage mothers may be at especially high risk for bone loss during pregnancy and for osteoporosis later in life. Unlike older women, teenage mothers are still building much of their own total bone mass. The unborn baby’s need to develop its skeleton may compete with the young mother’s need for calcium to build her own bones, compromising her ability to achieve optimal bone mass that will help protect her from osteoporosis later in life. To minimize any bone loss, pregnant teens should be especially careful to get enough calcium during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding and Bone Health

Breastfeeding also affects a mother’s bones. Studies have shown that women often lose 3 to 5 percent of their bone mass during breastfeeding, although they recover it rapidly after weaning. This bone loss may be caused by the growing baby’s increased need for calcium, which is drawn from the mother’s bones. The amount of calcium the mother needs depends on the amount of breast milk produced and how long breastfeeding continues. Women also may lose bone mass during breastfeeding because they’re producing less estrogen, which is the hormone that protects bones. The good news is that, like bone lost during pregnancy, bone lost during breastfeeding is usually recovered within 6 months after breastfeeding ends.

Tips to Keep Bones Healthy During Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Beyond

Taking care of your bones is important throughout life, including before, during, and after pregnancy and breastfeeding. A balanced diet with adequate calcium, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle are good for mothers and their babies.

Calcium. Although this important mineral is important throughout your lifetime, your body’s demand for calcium is greater during pregnancy and breastfeeding because both you and your baby need it. The National Academy of Sciences recommends that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding consume 1,000 mg (milligrams) of calcium each day. For pregnant teens, the recommended intake is even higher: 1,300 mg of calcium a day.

Good sources of calcium include:
- low-fat dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream
- dark green, leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, collard greens, and bok choy
- canned sardines and salmon with bones
- tofu, almonds, and corn tortillas
- foods fortified with calcium, such as orange juice, cereals, and breads. Read more here.

"Osteo" means Bone. Osteoporosis literally means "Porous Bones".
Osteoporosis is thinning of the bones that occur with age.
Bones become weak and fragile, until even a slight impact may cause them to break.

What happens to bones during Osteoporosis?

By about 20, the average woman acquired 98% of her skeletal mass. This process of bone acquisition slows as you get older. Between age 35-40, you began to loose bone mass, remains reasonably stable until age 50 & then declines progressively, This loss if severe can lead to Osteoporosis.

What are the signs and symptoms of Osteoporosis?

- Bone pain in the Hip or Wrist.
- Low back pain.
- Loss of height and a stopped posture.
- Neck Pain.
- Fractures of the Hip, Spine, back or wrist, sometime without falling.

What are the risk factors?

The following risk factors may trigger Osteoporosis:

- Family history.
- Low calcium diet
- Lack of physical activity.
- Being underweight
- Consumption of alcohol
- Smoking
- Medicines such as Corticosteroids, Diuretics, Hypertension etc.
- Early Menopause
- Women whose ovaries are surgically removed.

How to prevent Osteoporosis?

Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake are necessary to develop and preserve healthy bones throughout our life. 
- Good sources of calcium-dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, nuts especially almonds and sea food like fish.
- Vitamin D may be obtained from eggs, liver, or by spending 15 minutes in the sun 2-3 times a week.
- 15-20 minutes walking daily helps stop further weakening of bones.
- Weight bearing exercise such as low-impact aerobics, stair climbing running and swimming helps keep your bones strong.
- Muscle-building exercise are not recommended for people with Osteoporosis
- Cut back on cigarette smoking or excessive alcohol intake.

What is Calcium?

Calcium is one of the many minerals that you need to be healthy.
Calcium is very important to ensure strong, healthy bones and teeth, it also helps muscles and nerves to work properly, in addition calcium may also help to control your weight and blood pressure and may play a role in preventing colon cancer.

Foods containing calcium :

Diary foods are very high in calcium, especially milk, yogurt and cheese.other good sources include calcium enriched fruit orange, rice beverages and soya beverages.


Berbalik kepada kisah makcik Nad tadi, maybe dia jenis malas nak minum susu kot. So Nad pun suggest lah dia try Ostematrix iaitu Kalsium Shaklee.

Lepas seminggu macam tu Nad follow up dengan dia. Ini feedback dia:

Alhamdulillah sudah ada improvement. Rata-rata yang cuba Ostematrix memang akan cakap mereka senang nak bangun tidur sebab rasa segar.

OsteNutrix mengandungi Kalsium, Magnesium, dan Vitamin D untuk penyerapan yang lebih baik

Nad pun memang amalkan OsteMatrix ni. Kalau dulu masa Nad darjah 6 duk menyapu pastu sakit pinggang, mesti Nenek Nad bebel cakap, "Aih, baru darjah 6 pun dah sakit pinggang?" Ya, itulah hakikatnya bila tak minum susu. Hehe. Now sakit pinggang dah takde langsung! Walaupun hari-hari bangun pagi awal dan tidur lambat dan most of the days Nad tak baring pun siang tu. Kiranya lepas bangun pagi, malam nak tidur tu baru Nad baring lagi. Percaya tak? Huhu. Busy punya pasal ;)

Taknak jadi macam ni ye..

Jadi, tanya diri anda. Anda dalam kategori yang cukup kalsium atau tidak?

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