Pick up your baby slowly and hold him gently-and most of all,don’t be scared! Everyone is nervous about picking up a newborn at first. But this is the first step in taking care of him. Relax and pick him up slowly.
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Letakkan tangan anda di bawah kepala bayi anda untuk menyokongnya.
Place your hand underneath your baby's head to support it.
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Letakkan tangan yang satu lagi di antara kakinya untuk menyokong belakang bayi.
Place your other hand between his legs to support his back.
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Angkat bayi kepada badan anda.
Lift him to your body.
Sokong bayi anda dengan kepalanya di lengan anda. Bawa bayi dekat kepada jantung anda. Pegang bayi menghadap kiri atau kanan, pilih mana-mana yang paling selesa untuk anda.
Cradle your baby with his head resting on your arm. When you do this, bring him close to your heart. It doesn't matter if you hold him facing left or right-choose whichever is most comfortable for you.
Source: http://ba.pigeon.com.sg/father/father6.html
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Terima kasih atas komen anda :)