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Ayu Raudhah |
“Saya perlu membersihkan dan menjaga muka dengan kerap kerana sentiasa menggunakan mekap setiap hari terutama sewaktu menjalani penggambaran."
“Saya tidak banyak mengamalkan petua tradisional. Antara petua yang diamalkan setiap kali sebelum tidur, saya akan menyapu ais pada muka untuk merawat kulit bermasalah."
“Alhamdulillah, nasib baik kulit saya tidak mudah ditumbuhi jerawat walaupun kadangkala rasa stres,” katanya.
Selain itu, dia juga menerima rawatan kulit muka di pusat kecantikan AsterSpring selama setahun di samping mendapat bekalan percuma produk penjagaan kulit Dermalogica dan kosmetik Averine.
Ayu terpilih antara artis yang mengikuti pakej rawatan muka dan badan ‘Beautiful Bride’ oleh AsterSpring pada November tahun lalu. Selain Ayu, pelakon Raja Farah juga menerima rawatan yang sama.
Daripada penjagaan muka, topik perbualan beralih kepada penjagaan rambut yang dianggap sebagai mahkota berharga kepada setiap wanita. Agak menarik juga apabila Ayu menggunakan daun bunga raya untuk melembutkan rambut.
“Ambil 10 helai daun bunga raya dan tumbuk sehingga halus. Kemudian, sapukan pada rambut hingga ke akarnya. Balutkan rambut dengan “shower cap” selama 30 minit. Akhir sekali, cuci dengan air bersih. Amalkan dua kali seminggu. Insya-Allah rambut menjadi lebih lembut dan bersinar” ujarnya.
Menyentuh tentang pemakanan, Ayu kurang mengambil nasi dan sangat mengawal makan. Disebabkan berat badannya mudah naik jika tidak dijaga, Ayu perlu mengambil jumlah makanan pada kadar sedikit.
“Selain mengawal pemakanan, saya turut mengamalkan minuman kesihatan iaitu sirap Shaklee,” katanya.
Untuk mengekalkan bentuk badan menarik, Ayu turut melakukan senaman bangkit tubi sebanyak 50 kali sebelum tidur.
Baca artikel penuh di sini.
Apakah Produk Shaklee yang Diamalkan oleh Ayu Raudhah?
Produk Shaklee yang dimaksudkan oleh Ayu Raudhah ialah Vivix™.
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Vivix™ |
Satu PENEMUAN REVOLUSIONARI Dalam Anti-Penuaan Pada Tahap Sellular
Vivix kini menjadi perhatian pengguna di seluruh dunia disebabkan kebaikan kandungan selain melawan pelbagai jenis penyakit. Ia adalah sejenis cecair pekat berwarna merah yang terhasil daripada kandungan anggur muskat dan tumbuh-tumbuhan lain. Dengan hanya minum sesudu sehari, pengguna akan merasai perbezaannya. Minuman yang sesuai untuk lelaki dan wanita berusia 18 tahun ke atas itu juga boleh dijadikan masker pada wajah iaitu caranya dengan menyapu dan biarkan beberapa minit untuk dilihat hasilnya-Memperbaiki DNA. Setiap hari, tubuh kita mengalami kerosakan DNA (salah satunya akibat radikal bebas) yang menyebabkan proses penuaan terjadi begitu cepat. Vivix membantu melambatkan dan melindungi DNA sel tubuh kita dan melambatkan proses tersebut.
-Memperbaiki tenaga sel. Semakin tubuh kita terdedah kepada penuaan, semakin cepat sel tubuh kita kehilangan tenaga. Ini akan menurunkan fungsi sel. Vivix membantu menguatkan sel tubuh.
-Membantu meningkatkan fungsi otak, kardiovaskular, imuniti dan sendi. Semakin tua, semakin kita rasa sakit sana sini, ingatan pun makin pudar. Vivix membantu mengembalikan keremajaan.
Rewind the time with Vivix
As we move up in age, our bodies change and enter what some people call the “ripening stage of life”. The process is slow and often goes unnoticed until suddenly one day we wonder, where and when did we lose our youth? Wouldn’t it be great if we could rewind the time or slow down this sad and depressing reality?
Now let me introduce to you the world’s best anti-aging supplement Vivix Cellular Anti-Aging Tonic, developed after years of research by the number one natural nutrition company in the U.S., Shaklee Corporation. What attracts me to this Vivix?
1) Asia Pacific Super Excellent Brand
It is presented by Asia Entrepreneur Alliance (AEA) an international not-for-profit business organization with members comprising of successful entrepreneurs from all over Asia Pacific countries. This program has been well accepted in the region and recognized as a mark excellence. It is also one of the world’s most impactful and prestigious brand certification and award.
2) 1 teaspoon = resveratrol found in 100 glasses of red wine = 5,048 Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC)
Wow...what an incredible product. Since young I have always being told that drinking a glass or two of red wine everyday is good for health.
On 17 November 1991, the U.S. CBS TV program “60 Minutes” broadcast a story suggesting that French’s high red wine consumption was the reason for the lower rate heart disease in France. The report noted that the French ate 40% more grams of fat from animal sources per day than Americans, 4 times much butter, 60% more cheese and nearly 3 times more pork. Yet in France the death rate from heart attacks was half what is was in the U.S. This anomaly is called the “French Paradox”. Puzzled American scientists and other health experts from around the world have tried to discover the secret behind the French Paradox and the answer is resveratrol.
Resveratrol, a subgroup of polyphenols, is a natural compound found in the skin of the grapes that used to produce the red wine. It activates the sirtuin gene that is important in suppressing DNA instability and allowing for repair of damaged DNA. One of the known causes of aging is the decreased ability for older cells to perfectly replicate DNA in every new cell. The build up of “DNA debris” in cells is connected to aging and the death of individual cells. Resveratrol increases the rate of deacetylation which controls whether a gene is turned on or off. By controlling the rate of deacetylation and activating the sirtuin gene, resveratrol is demonstrated to have longevity effects.
A 30-day supply of Vivix delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 3,000 glasses of red wine. Vivix ingredients have been shown to be 10 times more powerful than resveratrol alone at slowing a key mechanism of aging and are all natural with no artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners or preservatives.
3) The 4 key ingredients of Vivix (klik link ini untuk lebih informasi)
~ Muscadine Grape - the only grape with an extra chromosome
~ Elderberry or Sambucus Nigra - have strong antioxidant properties
~ Purple Carrot - excellent source of vitamin A and contain phytochemicals
~ Polygonum Cuspidatum (also known as Japanese knotweed) - a potent anti-oxidant herb that is well known for its various bio-activities
4) Dr. Joseph Maroon's comments on Vivix in his new book “The Longevity Factor How Resveratrol and Red Wine activate Genes for a Longer and Healthier Life”
You can get this book in amazon or any other bookstore. I have just finished reading it recently.
In The Longevity Factor, noted neuroscientist and surgeon Dr. Joseph Maroon, M.D., offers the definitive look at recent scientific breakthroughs identifying a group of natural substances (including the much-publicized molecule resveratrol) that can actually activate a specific set of genes in humans that promote a longer, healthier life.
Resveratrol is the centerpiece of headline-making research being conducted at the Harvard Medical School and elsewhere. Only recently, scientists have discovered how to isolate resveratrol and concentrate it into an affordable and safe supplement. Already more than 200 supplements featuring resveratrol have flooded the market and there are countless more on the way. But which ones work best?
Terima kasih atas komen anda :)